SARMS & Steroids
SARMs—short for “selective androgen receptor modulators”—are synthetic drugs designed to have effects similar to those of testosterone. SARMs are sometimes sold in products marketed as dietary supplements even though they are not legal as ingredients in any type of dietary supplement. They are also marketed on the Internet for “research only” or as “legal steroids” or “steroid alternatives.” SARMS also are prohibited for use in sport. SARM drugs such as Ostarine and Andarine are still in the research and testing stages.
Andarine (S4)
Enobosarm (Ostarine, MK-2866)
Ligandrol (LGD-4033)
RAD140 (Testolone)
SARMS vs. Steroids
Steroids can provide drastic results for many users; in addition, they can help break plateaus, provide performance enhancement and give an advantage over natural athletes. However, there are several risks with steroid use that can negate the rewards for many users, and many times the risks are far too great. The problem with steroids is the possible side effects, such as gyno (bitch tits) and testosterone suppression, combined with misunderstanding of how to use them. Legality can also be an issue for many, as it is too much of a risk to buy and use anabolic steroids. After all, they are scheduled III (3) drugs, which are illegal to posses or use.
Different steroids cause different side effects. One common side effect between all steroids is they cause testosterone suppression. Although all steroids will cause some level of testosterone suppression that can be very difficult to recover from, many cause a long term suppression effect that many never fully recover from. There are several other concerns and side-effects associated with steroid use. Here is a small list:
Potential stimulation of prostate cancer
Male pattern baldness
Body hair growth
Gynecomastia (male breast development)
High blood pressure
Liver toxicity
Cholesterol imbalance
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (Heart growth)
Shutdown of your own Testosterone production
The benefits of SARMS
SARMS offer the potential for harnessing the benefits of anabolic steroid use, while minimizing the undesirable side effects. They also have the potential advantages of oral only use (no injections), which testosterone and many steroids do not. For the bodybuilder and athlete, SARMS can be used either in conjunction with, or as a replacement, for traditional anabolic steroids.
Here are just some of the ways SARMS are used:
Increase lean muscle growth
Prevent muscle loss during cutting and weight loss
Increase fat loss
Injury rehabilitation
PCT use after steroid cycle
Benefits of SARMS when compared to steroids:
Oral use (no injections needed)
Similar effects to testosterone (libido, strength gains, fat loss)
No conversion to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
No conversion to Estrogen
No harsh liver toxicity
Does not inhibit your HPTA to the large extent of steroids (no large reduction in LH or FSH)
Legal and not scheduled
Undetectable (selected SARMS)
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